MIA Teknoloji, which was offered to the public in BIST – Borsa Istanbul as of November 2021, was established in 2006 in Ankara, which was founded by 3 computer engineer friends. MIA Teknoloji, with its more than 160 staff, carries out unique innovation and R&D activities to meet the needs of its customers.

MIA Teknoloji offers innovative technologies to its customer base from its offices in the United States and Moroccco as well as its Ankara headquarters.

The company, which offers systems working in many points of Türkiye with the principle of tailor-made system development and productization, produces instant solutions to problems with the support of the 24/7 call center it provides.

Ankara, Türkiye

New York, USA

Rabat, Morocco

Ankara, Türkiye

New York, USA

Doha, Qatar

MIA Teknoloji continues to be a member of many clusters such as Intelligent Transportation Systems, Teknokent Defense Industry Cluster (TSSK) and Cyber ​​Security Cluster in order to step into new business networks and new collaborations. The ability to access university laboratories and collaborate on projects with academic staff makes MIA Teknoloji a sustainable company.

We are Member of Cluster

Cyber Security Cluster
Teknokent Defenre Industry Cluster
Türkiye Intelligent Transportation Systems Association

We are Member of Cluster

Cyber Security Cluster
Teknokent Defenre Industry Cluster
Türkiye Intelligent Transportation Systems Association